Diponegoro University through the Education Development and Quality Assurance Institute (LP2MP) participated in the Education Fair at SMA Semesta Semarang. The main objective of Diponegoro University (Undip) in this exhibition is to introduce the university to Semesta Semarang High School students. Semesta High School is one of the bilingual boarding schools in the city of Semarang.

This event will be held on Friday, October 27 2023, from 13.00 to 17.00 WIB, with the theme “Education Fair”. The event is part of the school’s annual program which helps students choose a study program or university that suits their interests. SMA Semesta Semarang provides exhibition stands for universities, both domestic and foreign. This event was attended by students from grades 10 to 12 of SMA Semesta Semarang.

Undip sent a Socialization and Promotion team consisting of 4 people to provide information and knowledge about various things, including selection routes for new student admissions, education costs, undergraduate study programs, facilities and advantages that Undip has. Parents and students who visited the Undip stand were very enthusiastic, and the stand was always busy with visitors asking various questions. The Undip Sospro Team provides excellent service by providing informative answers and explanations to questions asked. The Education Exhibition at the Education Fair at SMA Semesta Semarang ended at exactly 17.00 WIB.