Diponegoro University (Undip) through the Institute for Educational Development and Quality Assurance (LP2MP) participated in the Education Exhibition at Sukabumi Mini Expo Event, an initiative that became Undip’s breakthrough to improve the animo of registrants in South West Java. The event takes place for 2 days, on November 29-30, 2023, starting from 07.00 to 15.00 WIB. On the first day, Event Mini Expo was held at Hayatan Thayyibah Sukabumi High School Hall, attended by 6 schools, including Hayatan Thayyibah Sukabumi High School, SMAN 4 Sukabumi, SMAN 5 Sukabumi, SMAN 2 Sukabumi, Mardiyuana Sukabumi High School, and SMAN 3 Sukabumi. Subsequently, on the second day, the Mini Expo moved to the Hall of Insan Scholars Al Kausar Sukabumi High School, followed by 9 schools, namely Insan Cendekia Al Kausar Sukabumi High School, SMAN 1 Cibadak, SMAN 1 Cicurug, SMAN 1 Parung Kuda, SMAN 1 Cidahu, SMAN Parakansalak, SMA AR Rahman Boarding School, Al Bayan Sukabumi High School, and Atiqiyah Sukabumi High School.
The event opened with a welcome from the Principal of each school, followed by a profile presentation of each college in the school hall. Undip sends a Socialization and Promotion team of 5 people to provide comprehensive information and knowledge. The Undip Socialization and Promotion Team explains the selection path of admission of new students, the cost of education, the program of study at the undergraduate level, the facilities, and the advantages that Undip has.
Guiding teachers and high school students are excited to visit the Undip stand, seen from a wide variety of questions asked, ranging from Scholarship Program, Graduate Profile, to material that will be studied during the lecture.
Undip’s Socialization and Promotion Team provides excellent service by providing informative answers and explanations to every question asked. The Undip Socialization and Promotion Team also describes in detail the profile of Diponegoro University which includes the choice of study programs, facilities, service applications, location access, university achievements, student activity units, up to Scholarship Programs. Not only that, the Undip Socialization Team also slipped in small games that managed to add to the enthusiasm of the Sukabumi Mini Expo participants.
The main purpose of Undip’s participation in this event is to introduce Undip to high school students participating in Sukabumi Mini Expo Event, and to motivate them to choose a study program that suits their interests and potential. Undip’s successful participation in this event not only creates awareness of the university’s diversity of study programs and excellence, but also provides positive encouragement to high school students to step into the college world with greater confidence and understanding.
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