Diponegoro University (Undip) through the Educational Quality Assurance and Development Institute (LP2MP) participated in the international education exhibition, namely the Indonesia International Education Training Expo & Conference (IIETE) with the theme Never Stop Learning. This exhibition will last for 4 days from 22-25 February 2024 in Hall B, Jakarta Convention Center (JCC). Also present at the opening of IIETE 2024, Chair of the Collaboration and Public Relations Team of the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Yayat Hendayana, S.S., M.Si, President Director of PT Wahyu Promo Citra, HM Sukur Sakka, Deputy Chair of the Forum Indonesian Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Didin Muhafidin SIP, M.Si, Chairman of Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) and ambassador of a friendly country.
IIETE 2024 itself presents as many as 100 exhibitors from PTN, favorite PTS from Indonesia and abroad, course institutions, digital education, education supporting industries and educational institutions from within and outside the country. Some of the favorite campuses attending IIETE 2024 include the University of Indonesia, Gajah Mada University, Padjadjaran University, Diponegoro University, Bogor Agricultural Institute, Hasanuddin University, STAN State Finance Polytechnic, Health Polytechnic, Atma Jaya University, Open University, Bina Nusantara, Mercu Buana, LSPR, and many more.
The Diponegoro University booth, which is located in Hall B 37, is expected to attract the attention of high school/vocational school/equivalent students and parents. With the presence of psychology services by the Undip Psychological Services Team, it is hoped that it can provide enlightenment for students and parents in determining majors that suit students’ talents, interests and potential. With this psychology service, it is hoped that students can choose a study program that suits their skills and passion. This is very important so that students can complete their studies well. The Undip Socialization and Promotion Team also provides excellent service by providing informative answers and explanations to every question asked by students and parents.
Apart from that, the Undip Socialization and Promotion Team explained in detail the profile of Diponegoro University, including study program options, facilities, service applications, location access, university achievements, student activity units, and Scholarship Programs. Don’t forget to convey the latest information regarding the 2024 SNBP and SNBT implementation schedule to visitors. Visitors can not only ask about the majors they are interested in, but also experience practical experience through major demonstration activities and direct experience from fellow students who are Undip ambassadors at the IIETE 2024 exhibition.
Undip’s successful participation in this exhibition not only creates awareness of the diversity of Undip’s study programs and excellence, but also provides positive encouragement to high school/vocational school/equivalent students to continue to a higher level of education with a better understanding. This event is not only a promotional event, but also a real step to bring Undip closer to prospective students in the capital and surrounding cities.